Monday, February 5, 2018

Do the Right Thing: Script v. Movie

Greisy Caceres
February 5, 2018
ENGW 1101
Prof. Young
Do The Right Thing: Script v. Movie
    You can experience and obtain different prospective from reading a book and from watching the movie. You may dislike the movie because it may fail to capture the real message from the book and change the story of the story. Reading, the script of Do the Right Thing, and watching the movie was very different. From watching the movie I was able to perceive and observe new things that I didn’t capture from reading the script. Also, some of the characters were not as I had imagine, and some scenes too were portrayed differently from what I grasped from the reading of the script.
    For example, one of the things that were different from what I had imagined was Radio Raheem’s image and/or personality. From reading the script, I thought he was going to be a more laid back, chilled and calmed  individual. However, in the movie, he looks very serious, tough, and to me he looks almost angry all the time, but  angry at what exactly? Angry at the injustice of the world toward African Americans? Angry at the lack of respect and equality toward African Americans? Angry at the police brutality? Discrimination? Racism? Oppression? He’s persona took me a little by surprise.  
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    From watching the movie, I was able to understand and feel the emotions of what was happening in some scenes. For example, when ML, Coconut Sid, and Sweet Dick Willie, were sitting at the street corner and the police officers drove by, they were staring at each other almost as a it was a standoff. You could observe the hate, dislike, and disgust they had for one another. The tension  between African Americans and Whites, and law enforcements between civilians. Watching this scene rather than reading it, allowed me to see such feeling and emotions.  Something else that I really thought was wonderful that the movie did was Mookie’s clothing. He was wearing a Brooklyn Dodgers’ jersey of Jackie Robinson (42), the first African American to play in the major leagues of baseball. Mookie wearing such jersey shows African Americans’ progress to achieve success, and freedom of oppression. I also believe him wearing that is a way of honoring Jackie Robinson and what he did and what he stands for. He is proud of wearing the number 42. He is proud of who is.
Image result for mookie do the right thing shirt
Radio Raheem and Mookie

Monday, January 29, 2018

What is the "right" thing to do?

Greisy Caceres
English 1101
29 January, 2018
Professor Young
What is the 'right' thing to do?
What is the "right" thing to do? The script of the movie Do the Right Thing, provides the audience with scenes and examples that makes the reader question whether or not the characters did the "right" thing or not. It makes us question if the characters reacted the "right" way, when their respect, "rights", and equality were in jeopardy. If they reacted the "right" way when the build up tension between different racial groups, between cops and civilians, and between poor and wealthy exploded? If  responding with violence was the right thing to do? According to Martin Luther King, Jr 
"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather then win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by destroying itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyer."
We can observe how true MLK., Jr' words are; for example, when Clifton accidentally steps on Buggin' Out's sneaker, and Clifton fails to apologize for his mistake. Clifton was wrong to not apologize to Buggin' Out from the beginning, but Buggin' Out's reaction and way of seeking an apology and respect from Clifton was also not right. Buggin' Out started cursing, threatening to beat up Clifton, and humiliating him in front of the crowd that had gathered, instead of  coming to an understanding by talking. Buggin' Out might had obtained a little of his respect back by using hostility, threats, and some violence this time, but using violence won't work all the time; violence will end in destruction for all as MLK., Jr' s state. and this is exactly what happens at the end of that hot summer day. It ends in destruction and death. In the of death of Radio Raheem by the force of the police. It ends in the destruction and burning of Sal's pizzeria; in firefighters turning their hoes from the burning pizzeria to the angry mob who refused to disperse. It all started with violence and tension that burst and destroyed everyone and everything.
This is what I can interpret from the scrip that violence is not the right thing to do.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What's your favorite quote?

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"If I can take it, I can make it" - Louis Zamperini

Louis Zamperini' story of courage, perseverance, and determination is very inspiring. His story and words give me courage to live and to never give up. To persevere until the end because I will be able to make it. I will be able to achieve my goals and dreams. In times of weakness, exhaustion, and doubt, this quote brings me reassures and hope that I can do it. This quote gives me the strength that as long as I can take it, I make it.

Image result for unbroken quotes if i can take it i can make it

Do the Right Thing: Script v. Movie

Greisy Caceres February 5, 2018 ENGW 1101 Prof. Young Do The Right Thing: Script v. Movie     You can experience and obtain diffe...